Virtual Baby Shower During Covid-19
As social distancing takes on more of a critical role in our daily lives during the covid-19 pandemic, you can still make this special moment of expecting the little one (or a loved one close to you) amazing. GreatWonderful has some “How To's” on throwing a great and wonderful virtual baby shower despite the corona virus pandemic.
Gift for Baby; create a virtual baby shower registry.
Make a baby registry (for example, Amazon baby registry) and have your guest choose baby gifts that will be shipped directly to you. As the host, you might want to encourage all your guests to send their gifts by a certain date to avoid covid-19 related shipping delays.
Head right onto our GreatWonderful baby diapering accessories page to pick all your baby essentials and have everything delivered to your home.
Virtual Platform.
There are loads of options (Zoom, Google Hangouts and Skype), pick a video call software that is user friendly for you and easily accessible for your guests. As a host make sure you have learned all the basic online video tech to host the baby shower; i.e. sharing your screen for presentations and monitoring each group members contribution during the virtual showers. Before the virtual baby shower ensure that all guest are digitally fluent and make sure the less tech proficient guest have designated support.
Theme + Décor.
You can find inspirations for theme and décor on Pinterest and Etsy. Remember to pin all your favourite baby shower ideas of themes and décor. Also, while you get great motivation and an “aha” moments from Etsy, you support local businesses.
Guest List + Invitations.
When you have finalized the theme and décor for your virtual baby shower, get your guest list together and send out an invitation link for Zoom/Google Hangouts/Skype with a date and time. You can use online invitation services like Evite or Paperless Post. All guest must dress up; if possible. Remember to call guest that are not tech savvy to provide the date and time of the virtual baby shower.
Create A Virtual Baby Shower Timeline.
Although you certainly don't have to stick to a strict timeline, you may find it helpful to have a general schedule to keep the event running smoothly.
Plan Your Gift Reveal.
Just like in person, you can unwrap your gift according to your scheduled timeline. So, mama to be opens her gifts and all guests reacts with aww and aaah’s as you unravel your cute prezzies.
Figure Out Food.
If everyone is okay with eating on camera, this could be a unifying aspect of the shower. In your invite, share a recipe for a baby shower drink and/or food that guests can make and enjoy together during the virtual shower.
Virtual Games + Activities
Some games need preparation before the virtual baby shower so make sure all your guests are prepared before the special day. Check out our picks of great baby shower virtual games here:
- Who's That Baby?: Get all guests to send in baby pictures of themselves before the virtual showers. On the day ask guest to place each person’s name beside a bay photo, you can use google slides.
- Name That Baby Tune: Play baby-themed songs (saved/on Spotify or Amazon music unlimited) for a few seconds and have your online guests guess the song.
- Baby Alphabet Game: Go around and take turns trying to name a baby-related word for each letter of the alphabet.
- Baby Gear Price Is Right: All guests guess how much different types of baby gear (onesie, bottle, toy etc.) costs.
- Guess The Number: You “The host” holds up a jar filled with sweets (M&Ms, jelly beans, Hershey's Kisses, Lindt chocolates) and asks guests to guess how many are inside.
- How Well Do You Know Mama?: Before the shower set up a list of quiz questions for your online guest on how well they know the mom-to-be.
Use e-gifts for prizes, send all winners gift cards for their next food delivery from Skip the Dishes, UberEats or DoorDash. You can also give your winners gift cards from Amazon Canada and Amazon USA (Amazon Prime Gift, Audible Gift Membership, Kindle Unlimited Membership gift, Amazon Unlimited FreeTime) and Sephora. Or you can give your virtual baby shower winners the special treatment from Amazon home services.
For more interesting baby games check out Pinterest.
GreatWonderful recommend using Zoom for your virtual shower, just remember that Zoom calls are capped at 40 minutes unless you have a paid subscription.
GreatWonderful Team.
#grtwonderful #virtualbabyshower #covid19 #baby #mama
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